Have you ever watched a TV special about some of the big performers in Las Vegas and how much work it is to put on their shows and how tiring it can be for them? Sure it's probably tough putting on an entertaining show night after night for thousands of people knowing they have travelled from all over the world to see you, but have they ever been house bound with 2 small children for weeks at a time due to the frigid AB weather?? I am positive even Cher, Celine and Bette would find it hard after a day or two.
Even though I am not entertaining thousands nightly, I am trying to mould two little minds daily and trust me, they can be a difficult crowd some days.
Our days lately have been filled with books, play doh, crafts and Dora. Carson loves looking through books and Crosby loves to chew on them. Sadly, Carson and I share the same amount of crafting abilities. I was not given one single crafty gene from my very crafty Mother. It never really bothered me before but I am seeing how it would come in very handy now that I have kids! We will both make an animal out of play doh and it'd be a miracle if anyone else were to guess what either of them were! I am hoping he never tires of me making him ants as they are the only thing I can make that has a small resemblance to the actual animal.
Little Crosby has been in his Jolly Jumper so much that he actually wore out one of the straps! Luckily he managed to stay in it and not slide right out and hit the floor. He is able to sit up by himself now so that in itself is very entertaining to him!
We are all hoping the weather will warm up enough to head outside and do some exploring of our own outside rather than watching Dora and Boots do it on TV. I know I am a true mom when I watch that show thinking "Where are Dora's parents and why on earth are they not concerned their daughter has a talking monkey as a friend?"
Back to my original thought......The pay is not near as great, my costume changes are generally due to poop or throw up and unfortunately there is no lighting that will ever make the bags under my eyes look good, but I wouldn't trade being at home with my two boys for being on stage in Vegas any day! xo
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