The following is a true story...I wanted to document it to prove to Carson why he needs to make sure I go to a very good Old Folks home after all he has put me through :)
I am sure all parents have a story similar to this but I am a bit surprised Carsons has come at such a young age! I guess having a smart kid is not always a blessing!
I was preparing for a trip to the grocery store and was in the process of getting both boys ready to head out the door. Who knows exactly what I did to offend Carson, perhaps I asked him to put on his coat or something equally appalling to a 3 year old, whatever it was he was very annoyed with his dear Mommy. Hands on hips, upper body leaned forward to show he was serious he looks at me and says "I hate this house". To which I replied "That is not nice to say Carson" to which he responds "Can you help me find a new Mommy at the grocery store?"... like he was asking me if I enjoyed the weather we have been having, so casual.
We have been trying to work on getting Carson to understand what he says so he knows that things like "hate" or "stupid" are not fun words to say, they actually have meaning. So I thought to myself "Okay if he wants me to help him find a new Mommy because he hates it here, I'll see how far it goes". So I suggested he get a few of his things lined up since he was unhappy living here. I thought he'd realize what he had said and tell me he didn't want to leave home etc but instead he chose 4 of his favorite dinosaurs and said he was ready to go. Of course he will forget about it on the way to the store...right?
We pull up to the Super Store parking lot and we are just entering it so we are quite a ways away from the doors. Carson announces from the back seat that this is a good spot. "Good spot for what?" I ask. "Good spot to stop so I can get out and walk to find a new Mommy." I am amused but also hurt he keeps saying he wants a new Mommy. We are in the part of the parking lot only the very ambitious park so there was no one around so I thought I'd see what he did if I stop the car to let him out. I pull into a stall, he says nothing. I put the car in park, he says nothing. I open my door, slowly get out and open his door fully expecting now that he would be surprised I was going to let him out, but he was actually trying to help me get his buckles undone on his car seat!
So, I lift him out of the car seat, he asks for his 4 dinosaurs which I hand to him. Then he says "Thanks Mommy Tiede" and starts to walk away!!!!! I was shocked and still slightly amused at this little boy who seemed so confident. I get back in the car and drive slowly behind him as he's walking along with his 4 dinosaurs in his hands.. not even looking back for me :( We are getting a bit closer to the busy part of the parking lot and I see a van pulling out and turning to head out the way Carson is walking in so I pull up beside Carson and park and tell him to get in the car but he just stands there in the middle of the road. So then I open my car door and motion for him to get in the car, he still stands there. I am horrified at this point that he would walk off from me and not look back and then also just stand in the middle of the road and not come when I ask him to. The lady driving the grey van must have also been horrified as she is witnessing what she believes to be some crazy lady abducting a small boy and his 4 dinosaurs from the Super Store parking lot. She pulls up slowly beside us and watches as I try to coax Carson into the car to which he kept refusing! I get out of the car and grab his hand and pull him to the car. I opened the back door so the lady can see I had a car seat for him in the back in case she is thinking of calling the police. I buckle him in and wave to her like "It's okay, I'm just a really crappy Mother. Don't be alarmed and call the cops lady" and I pull away with my runaway in the backseat.
When we park in front of the store I explain to Carson how scared I was and how I am his Mommy always and he can't just go find a new one etc etc. All is well after he says he is sorry we both say "love you".
Grocery shopping was actually successful, nothing forgotten off the list, no melt downs about not getting a toy and Crosby was occupied the whole time. I started to feel like a decent Mommy again... and then we are walking out of the store and Carson apologizes to me. For what you ask... he said he was sorry he did not find a new Mommy and that he had to come back home with me. Ugh
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